Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bodhicitta in My Dreams - NOT!

In the past few weeks I've been working on Discovering Buddhism at Home module 10 on Developing Bodhicitta. In the readings for the module are all kinds of stories about bodhisattvas giving themselves as food for animals, and giving up their lives willingly for all kinds of other reasons.

Last night I dreamt about working in a hospital where there had been a series of murders, and somehow I found myself as bait in a scheme to catch the killer. At one point in the dream I said to the open air, "Just remember, I volunteered to catch somebody, not to get killed!!"

When I woke up I thought, bodhicitta -- NOT!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Such an opportunity!

Rinpoche says that every time something sucky happens, one should remember that it's our karma that brings it on, and that this memory will make the experience easier.

I guess he's right, because two days ago I lost my job and I still haven't had the sobbing, shaking panic attack I would have expected... I spent a couple of hours incredibly pissed off, muttering "anger is poison, anger is poison.." but it didn't last very long.

Also (since I saw this coming a week ago after a talk with my supervisor) it's only taken me a week to line up a temporary gig, and I have an interview for a new job early next month, back in the town we came from before THIS job.

Maybe karma really does triumph over dogma.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

a glimpse of bodhicitta

Tonight on MSNBC, by total accident, I caught a video of lions hunting. Three lionesses had cut away a buffalo cub and were getting ready to kill and divide it. The buffalo herd had run away -- until suddenly the WHOLE herd turned and came back to chase away the lionesses and rescue the buffalo calf.

The module of Discovering Buddhism at Home that I am now working on is called "Developing Bodhicitta". I had just finished reading three sections of Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand that discuss the topic, so when I ran the video back for my partner to see the miracle rescue, I said "I can't imagine what it would be like to live like that ..." and started to cry!!

I wonder if that's what bodhicitta is like -- if so, that too must be tremendously difficult.

I dedicate whatever virtues I have ever collected
For the benefit of the teachings and of all sentient beings,
And in particular, for the essential teachings
Of perfect, pure Losang Drapa to shine forever.