Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Compassion Fatigue

This new book I'm reading says that what I suffer from is "compassion fatigue" -- the weariness of the full-time caregiver.  I suppose that's what I am, although right now I'm nursing the Electronic Medical Record at our place instead of actual people, and I'm not sure what bodhicitta means in relation to a computer.

There are days when I miss actually taking care of patients, when it's almost a physical ache.  There are days when I'm so fed up with people whose carelessness and stupidity winds up hurting themselves or others (see Darwin Award) that I wouldn't mind never seeing one again.  I guess that's why I'm doing the Buddhist thing.  I miss being enthusiastic about what is actually a privilege:  people let us into their lives when their lives are in the crapper, and we walk with them as they climb out.

1 comment:

  1. that's a terrific insight. no wonder you miss working with patients since you understand its a privilege in that sense.
